I joined the Lancia Sport club for an afternoon at Curborough sprint circuit. This turned out to be a great little circuit to test the agility of the car. It's not possible to go at high speed but testing the handling throught the sharp hairpins was great fun. A great day out in the company of a load of Delta Integrale fanatics.

However the car developed a problem with selecting first gear half way through the day when the car got hot (no problem when it had cooled down). I suspected this was due to very old fluid in the clutch slave cylinder. I'd had a number of goes before at bleeding the slave with no success. Simply because some prune had in the past rounded the edges of the bleed valve. The best of ring spanners (7 mm) wouldn't turn it and there is no room to get mole grips or similar on it.
I feared that I would have to replace the slave completely and that is a painful job to do with the engine/gearbox in place. Yesterday I found and bought a 7mm hexagonal ring spanner and thought I would give it one last go before buying a complete new slave cylinder and it worked. So now all the nasty, smelly old fluid is out and the clutch pedal is so much lighter than it's been since I bought the car. Persistence and a bit of patience has finally paid off.

There's some footage of the Curborough event and the car on Youtube:
In action at Curborough